Knowledge Management in Human Resources: 
Toward Organizational Sustainability

How can a values-driven HRM improve the effectiveness of institutional knowledge?

This site is an exploration of the nexus between knowledge management (KM) and human resource management (HRM). It is addressed toward existing human resources departments of social change organizations (SCOs), to explain the importance of values-driven HRM and how it leads to improved effectiveness of institutional knowledge.

Descriptions and definitions of KM and its implications can be found in the first tab. Subcategories of KM include an analysis of models of learning organizations, as catalogued by Senge, Sagawa and Jospin, and Morgan, as well as a more thorough explanation of institutional knowledge, one of the results of KM.

An analysis of a variety of HRM strategies is available in the second tab. It is followed by a page on motivational theory, an important component of HRM, as well as a practical page on how to conduct internal capacity building within an organization. HRM and personal/professional capacity development as well as organizational capacity development are linked.

Finally, a visualization of the implications of values-driven HRM on institutional knowledge and an analysis of their relationship can be found in the third tab. Additionally, implications for organizational sustainability are explained there.

For further reading, key terms, and credits, see the About page.